Cum se văd protestele din România în presa din Canada

Protestele masive împotriva guvernului PSD și a ordonanțelor de urgență care slăbesc lupta împotriva corupție au ajuns și în presa din Canada. Iată cum relatează evenimentele de la București cele mai importante publicații canadiene.

CBC News

Romania rocked by protests over new graft law. Emergency government decree dilutes what qualifies as corruption

Huge protests erupted in the capital and spread to cities around Romania in the past two nights after the government changed the law — one of the biggest protests in Romania since communism ended in 1989.

CTV News

Romania’s president seeks to annul graft law amid protests

Huge protests erupted in the capital and spread to cities around Romania in the past two evenings. Interior Minister Carmen Dan said 200,000 took to the streets in Bucharest and in dozens other towns across the country late Wednesday, in one of the biggest protests since communism ended in the country in 1989.

The Globe and Mail

Romania criticized for decriminalizing official misconduct

In recent years, Romania has been touted as a regional leader for targeting the rich and the powerful in a crackdown on corruption. But the drive has proved unpopular with politicians.
Leaders of the centre-left Social Democratic Party and the junior Alliance of Democratic Liberals, which form the current coalition government, both face corruption charges that bar them from serving as ministers.
Social Democrat chairman Liviu Dragnea was unable to become prime minister because in April 2016 he received a two-year suspended jail sentence for vote rigging. On Tuesday, he went on trial for abuse of power while he was president of the Teleorman local council from 2006 to 2012. He denies wrongdoing.

Tens of thousands protest plan to pardon prisoners in Romania

Premier Sorin Grindeanu has requested an emergency ordinance allowing the government to pardon prisoners to ease prison overcrowding.
Protesters massed in Bucharest’s University Square called the ruling Social Democratic Party “the red plague.” They later marched to Victory Square, where the government has its main offices. Premier Sorin Grindeanu has requested an emergency ordinance allowing the government to pardon prisoners to ease prison overcrowding. On Sunday, he said the protests had been “politicized” and criticized President Klaus Iohannis, who took part in a similar protest a week ago.
La Presse

Corruption: manifs géantes contre le gouvernement roumain

La Roumanie a connu mercredi soir des manifestations antigouvernementales d’une ampleur inédite depuis la chute du communisme, mobilisant des dizaines de milliers de personnes contre un assouplissement de la législation anticorruption, également critiquée à l’étranger.
Aux cris notamment de «voleurs», «honte à vous», «démission», les manifestants étaient au moins 200 000 à travers le pays, dont la moitié à Bucarest, rassemblés durant près de cinq heures dans un froid glacial, face au siège du gouvernement.

Le Devoir

La Roumanie secouée par des manifestations de rare ampleur. Des milliers de personnes contestent la décision du gouvernement d’assouplir la législation anticorruption

Aux cris notamment de « voleurs », « honte à vous », « démission », les manifestants étaient au moins 200 000 à travers le pays, dont la moitié à Bucarest, rassemblés durant près de cinq heures dans un froid glacial, face au siège du gouvernement.

En l’absence de chiffres des autorités, plusieurs médias nationaux ont estimé qu’il s’agissait des plus importantes manifestations depuis la révolution roumaine de décembre 1989 et l’année de turbulences politiques qui avait suivi.
Le nombre de manifestants a été évalué jusqu’à 300 000 dans toute la Roumanie. Les grandes villes de Cluj, Sibiu ou Timisoara se sont également mobilisées, tout comme des localités de taille plus modeste.

P. R.
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